
  1. Our founder's story

    Hi, I'm Henry, founder of Tilted East. My personal battles with mental health and struggle communicating my experiences through traditional ment...
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  2. Four reasons why a fashion brand, advocating mental health awareness, should be the next addition to your wardrobe

    Raising Awareness: Wearing Tilted East clothing helps raise awareness about the importance of mental health, encouraging those around you to engage...
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  3. In need of some inspiration for your design? See our list of design prompts to help you

    See below some brief prompts on what you could design: Create an image that represents your emotional state during a particularly challenging tim...
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  4. Why we only use black and white clothing

    Black and white are more than just colours - they represent a state of mind. Black is a symbol of strength, elegance, and sophistication. It repres...
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  5. A proactive rather than reactive culture

    We believe that mental health is something that should be talked about openly and honestly, and we really want to create a preventative culture at ...
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  6. Not everything has to feel doom and gloom...

    A mental health 'struggle' naturally has negative connotations attached to it and images that come to mind for this are most definitely welcome. At...
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  7. Information for our designer community

    At Tilted East, we believe that creativity thrives when we collaborate and innovate together. That's why we may make small alterations to your desi...
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